Friday, June 24, 2011

Lost to the ages

Some games stand the test of time and carry on. They get sequels and a rabid fan base. Then some games have a brief flash of brilliance and then vanish into obscurity. Some get lucky and achieve cult status, but still these games will be forever ignored by the developers, leaving fans to pine for their beloved games. Pitt from Kid Icarus recently escaped this fate, with his introduction in Smash Brothers Brawl and a release for the 3DS. Other characters have not been so lucky.

Great example: Battletoads. The first game was critically acclaimed and is still well followed. It had two sequels, but they were just kinda "meh". And that was it for the frogs. No modern sequels, no developer willing to take up the challenge. Fans are left with the butt burningly hard original. What is the difference between a hit and a cult hit. Metroid was revolutionary, but it didn't scream hit until the third installment. The second game was a hard to play version on the Gameboy, so what was it that compelled the developers to push for that one more game that helped solidify it as a classic. Same thing with Legend of Zelda and Mario (console): First was good, second was iffy, the third was amazing.
There must be something different in the minds of developers from gamers. Kirby has never had a blow people out of the water classic, but he is still trucking along and Nintendo keeps making the games. Rare hasn't made a Killer Instinct game in over a decade. What about Crazy Taxi, Phantasy Star, Jet Grind Radio, or the Mother series? All these are great games, but have not experienced nearly enough console time for gamers. I think it comes down to laziness. Game developers know how to make FPS, Sandbox and adventure games, so they do. There is a clearly defined formula for these games, so they don't feel like trying out any game style that pushes the boundaries, for fear of losing money. At E3, Nintendo did not announce a single new character, only oldies that we already love. Though I don't mind that, lets branch out a little people.
This game was FUN!!!

COG: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Redd visited today. He sold me another forged painting. That's 5 in a row. I am seriously starting to get pissed at him.

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