Sunday, June 26, 2011


I wonder how many readers now this oldy. Crystallis is a adventure game for the NES. It had no sequels, except a port to the gameboy. The game was hard in the old fashion sense. Figuring out what to do with very few hints, but fortunately with fairly balanced leveling. It sort of a trip down gaming memory lane. The game is almost entirely composed of abandoned game mechanics, but it executes them with such care and pinache that its still fun.
This first thing you realize in this game is that despite awakening from a high tech cryo chamber you enter on old world town to find a sword and buy a shield. And the sword is magic. Oh, and to find that sword, you have to talk to people in the town because if you don't you are totally lost. That is one game standby that I am glad was abandoned. I know the makers wrote dialogue for those guys and would like us to read them, but don't arbitrarily force us by hiding the necessary info in the dialogue of one NPC out of 50. Give us a reason to read those snippets. Have bonus items offered up, make the dialogue hilarious, but don't hide necessary info please. Anyhow, I would suggest any readers give this game a shot. Its fun, if old. It did give this one girl who saw me playing it conniptions because the graphics were so dated.

COG: Animal Crossing: Wild World.
Payed off my loan today. Cost was 527,642 bells. That really cleaned out my bank account. Got to get back to saving.

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