Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I love a good horror flick. The feeling of my blood racing and my adrenaline flowing is such a great high. Its sorta like spicy food; you love it but it hurts. And thank god game makers have found a way to make video games legitimately scary.

The first scary game I played was Silent Hill, which is to this day considered one of the scariest games ever made. Unfortunately, I was only 9 and couldn't finish the game (I regret that now). I have heard people swear that the isolation of the first Portal game was so unnerving they couldn't play it. But I want real horror. So I got Dementium for the DS. 
Now I know what your thinking. How can a hand held game be scary? Well, you have a point, but damn, with the lights off and the headphones on, this game can scare your pants off. Its pretty standard survival horror where the monsters are creepy and bullets are scarce. But it pulls all the right tension strings and builds the atmosphere just right. Plenty of torment, and a healthy dose of gore. They even made a sequel that I sadly haven't played.

A lot of games are called scary, but what they really are is nerve racking with good atmosphere. Take Bioshock: the games plenty creepy and the atmosphere is spot on and well developed. But at its base, Bioshock is a shooter. The fun of the game is mixing and matching your weapons and powerups to make you into a killing machine. So here is a real horror game.

by Frictional Games
This game almost turns the concept of gaming on its head. You cannot fight. It seriously tells you not to fight back in the intro. You have no choice but to flee and find cover. This is a wonderfully immersive element. It takes away all feeling of control in the game; you aren't some fighter who can stand and resist the monsters, they are all stronger than you. This helplessness greatly increases the terror and when combined with the very intuitive controls, it makes you feel like you are in that castle. Summing it up, this game is very hard to play with the lights off. 

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