Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Shadowrun Needs to Return Faster

This trailer was released a couple of days ago. Shadowrun does not come out until Thursday. I am starting to LOSE MY MIND.

I seriously have been salivating waiting for this game to come out. Its not just the fact that its one of the first successful crowd funded games ever released. Nor is it the awesome blending of XCOM gameplay with an in depth RPG. It's that it is a SHADOWRUN GAME!!!!!

Shadowrun is one of those IP's that is just MADE for video games. A huge, post-apocalyptic world where magic and technology battle for men's souls as giant mega corps battle for men's wallets. Yes, I know it came from a Pen and Paper RPG, so we are essentially basing a game on another game. But look at the other big table top RPG, Dungeons and Dragons. There have been plenty of D&D games, but few have done much to distinguish themselves from all the other fantasy role playing games we have.

I'm not say that the games are good or bad. But there are a lot of fantasy inspired titles in the video game world. And D&D has never tried to establish its own style or special gameplay within its own crowded game market. If Skyrim had been re-labeled as a D&D game, it would not have seemed at all out of place.

OK, it is a little noticeable. 

Shadowrun is a very rare blending of two different styles. We have cyber punk dystopia games with human technological enhancements, Dues Ex being one of the prime examples. We have a veritable glut of fantasy magic worlds. I could probably even think of a couple things where magic is present in a futuristic setting. But Shadowrun doesn't just have magic and technology, they are in constant conflict with each other. And on top of that, even with magic and technological advancement, society is still screwed up in the Shadowrun world. Even with all these different things being available to the common man, corporations have still taken over.

But I am still stuck in a quandary. I want to pre-order the game, I want to sooooooo bad. But I am scared. I've never been burned by a pre-order before, and I don't intend for this to be my first. No matter how much I want this game to be great, no matter how much I fell in love with the idea of this game, I am still going to wait for at least some preliminary reviews. Because wanting something to be good is not enough. I wanted the Evil Dead remake to be awesome, it wasn't. And pre-ordering only saves me 2 dollars. I will spend 2 dollars just to make sure that this game is as good as I hope it is. And if its merely OK, I'll still buy it.

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