Friday, July 12, 2013

Bioshock 2

The bioshock franchise is one of the best trilogies of video games this gen. The first was a ground breaking, atmospheric experience and the third has received nothing but high praise. The second..... well, it wasn't bad. It was mostly guilty of being very similar to the original. Now I haven't played the third one, but I did play the first two. And I can honestly say I prefered the second one. And that was mostly due to some personally unique problems I had with the first one.

My issue with the first game was two fold. The switching between plasmids and weapons was awkward. But I also wasn't nearly as blown away by the dystopian setting as everyone else. This was mostly due to me actually reading some of Ayn Rands books, the philosopher whose theories were held in high regard for this city. Having read some of her fiction works, I was fully aware of what sort of hyper capitalist society would result from it and how it could go soooo wrong. So the setting just didn't have any great impact for me like it did a lot of people. It still looked really cool.

So for me, the sequel was great. Not only did it fix the weapon swapping nonsense of the first one, but gave me the opportunity to live out my fantasy of being a face crushing big daddy. I was very much enthralled by the relationship of the big daddy and little sisters in the first game and thought the protector position was very attractive. So getting to be subject delta gave me a chance to experience that fantasy. Also, the weapon selection changed to reflect your big daddy status. You get the arm drill and the rivet gun that you saw in the first game, as well as some supersized weapons perfect for your bulk.

I especially like the drill and the protect little sister segments. Those segments make me feel like a part of the city I am trudging around. The drill arm just makes me feel like a bad ass. And thats part of my fantasy of the game, being a drill wielding tough guy protecting sisters. The Story? Eh.... I like the relationship with the specific girl I am tracking down, but the rest is pretty basic. It works fine, I just don't care. The combat? Satisfying. The big sisters are more meh than they look, but drilling through enemies just doesn't get old.

I don't really have a point with this article. Just talking about a game I have been playing recently.

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