Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mighty Jill Off

So today I fired up Super Meat Boy for the first time in a while. I got pretty far in it, but never made it ALL the way through. So after moving computers, I lost my save files. Passing through the earlier levels, I got to  warp zone I never hit in my first play through. And that is where I encountered the Might Jill. 
Mighty Jill off is a free ware game. Available for download by anyone. Google it. Get it. Love it or hate it. 

I like it. Its an interesting twist on platforming mechanics. Jill can jump like 5 stories into the air. But you can stop her accent at any time and the gently lower her down while tapping the jump button. This tapping really reminds me playing Super Mario Land: 6 golden coins, where the bunny hood would glide farther if I tapped the jump button rather than just holding it down. But back to jill, I like how this just really upends most platforming mechanics. If you just tap the jump button, Jill does her full jump. For most games, you have to hold down the jump button to get such high jumps. But Jill just shoots right up there. And the levels are not afraid to put trap spikes on the ceiling to stop you. I guess I should warn you, this is one of those super punishing platforming games. Its not as bad Meat boy, but its not easy thats for sure. 

But probably my favorite part of this game is just how casually sexual the story is. Jill's out fit is essentially a leather gimp suit. The "story" is that Jill was licking the Queen's boot and the Queen decided to throw her to the bottom of the tower and has her climb back up as a show of loyalty. I don't know why, but I find this to be one of the best random excuses to have a platforming adventure ever. And even though Jill is intentionally portrayed as chubby, I find her character design surprisingly compelling. 

Not sure what that says about me.....

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