Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Back in Business (New Goals)

Well, I have left this blog dead for over a year. I know I didn't have any loyal fans, but I have a reason to get back into this. I am just about to enter the job market and I want to make a concerted effort not to lose touch with my favorite pastime. And so, in order to insure I don't lose touch with this blog again, I will broaden the spectrum of games I cover here.

The simple fact of the matter is that I pretty much have stopped emulating old games. I still have all the files and such. But now I actually pay for new games and play them more frequently than the emulators. I still play lots of older games what with bargain bins, my Dreamcast and steam's surprisingly old library (steam is 11 now I think). There are also new games coming out that I am excited about. I never did get to play Majora's Mask when it was new and am looking forwarding to eventually owning a Wii U. Shadowrun Returns comes out in about a week and that will be a good chunk of time spent on that post. I have also gotten sucked into Skyrim.

Now I know I am way late on this, but wanted to wait for the hype to die down (as well as the price drop) before playing this game. I can honestly say that I am blown away by what Bethesda managed to pull off and will definitely be devoting a couple of posts to this.

I am toying with the idea of going into manga reviewing. Manga was an enormous part of my adolescence and I still read it regularly. But there is a dearth of manga reviewers online with only two that I know of. Most of the energy seems to be directed towards reviewing anime, but manga deserves its own special attention. I'm toying with a full video review idea, but I may start small and go for another blog before I get that invested.

Thats all for now. I got a job interview in a few hours. Here's to having my own income.

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