Monday, February 27, 2012

Pyro Guide (3 of 3): Advanced Tactics

This is the last bit about how to play Pyro. This one will be shorter, because in depth tactics are fewer than standard skills. But these are probably going to be the defining skills. Any pyro who can perform these moves is deserving of the term "advanced player".

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pyro Guide (2 of 3): Class Match-ups and Pairings

Wells, its time for the second part of this guide. This one will focus on how the Pyro interacts with other classes, in combat and teamwork. This is team fortress, very rarely should your actions be occurring in a vacuum. Always consider what your team needs when playing seriously. If instead you are derping around, feel free to ignore my advice.
I wish I could credit this image.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pyro Guide (1 of 3): Basics & weapon break down

Though I know I don't have many readers, I am still going to explain this. I am still working on the battletoads videos, but I have encountered bandwidth issues, so no video uploading for this month.

I have spoken of the pyro of Team Fortress 2 several times, but this time I am going to actually be helpful. I am an excellent pyro who would like to see more people play the pyro well. What prompted me to write this was that VALVE HAS ALMOST PROMISED THEY ARE FINALLY RELEASING THE MEET THE PYRO VIDEO!!!!!!!!! (REJOICE!!). They haven't promised this in words, but a picture on the website all but guarantees that it is so.
The evidence

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Battletoads Playthrough guide (1-3)

Having recently discovered new video recording options with my emulator. My first thought was to make a guide for Battletoads. Its a wicked hard game and describing a walkthrough in words is really tough. So I am just gonna film myself going through the levels. I will have some notes embedded in the video, but most of the details will be in this post. I am emulating this and it will be done with save states. I have beaten the game in a straight run with no saving, but for filming convenience I won't be doing that this time.

Level 1:
Ok, first of, you have to be real quick to reach that portal in the beginning. It takes you to level three, which is really hard, so I would not take it; the first two levels are a good place to build up lives. You can pick up the walker's legs to use as bats, but its not worth as many points. If you have two players, one can throw the head and the other can hit it: toad baseball. If you jump on the dragons while they are on the ground, you can ride them. They breathe fire and kind of fly, but you receive no points for kills on their back, so not worth it. The dragons can kill you instantly if they grab you, so take caution.

Level 2:
This is the level you can build a lot of bonus lives if you are good. Hitting the birds multiple times after they die will get you lots of points and eventually a bonus life. This wasn't my best attempt, but you can usually get three. The ones with the long beaks can kill you instantly. The wrecking ball attack has an interesting mechanic. You can activate either by sitting still by the wall and attacking, or by holding still near an enemy and attacking.

Level 3:
Level three is the level where most players gave up. The speeder bike section is legendary. I got through it without dying, but that took me weeks of practice. Not much to say you can't see. The space invaders steal your health straight from your health bar; kill them and take it back. When jumping with the speeder bike, try not to move up or down, you can actually move beyond the screen and kill yourself. The portal at the end is really hard to hit and not worth it. I will be showing the best way of getting through this game, including which warps to hit. The last post will cover the levels I skipped if you really want to see them.